Like, Comment & Share


Many of you are on one or more social media pages. Some of you even post from a social media management system. I will address my concerns about them in a later blog.

I have noticed that many of the people I know and follow have a one-directional approach to social media. They post what they have to say, and then they are gone; but that is not enough. That is not being socially focused.

Keeping up with today's social business, is not easy and takes time. You are trying to build relationships and potential followers, fans and clients. Today I am going to talk about liking, commenting and sharing other people posts. This is different than following a group or liking a fan page -- which we will talk about in another blog.

Whether you like something or not, commenting, sharing and or liking someone else's post can and will attract more attention than some or all of the things you are posting. This is one of the most important aspects of being engaged and socially focused.

When you take the time to look at and read someone else's post, by liking, sharing and commenting on their post you enter into a group of people who have, to this point, never seen you on social media. Your engagement with them shows up in other people's pages and news feeds. You will also attract the person you have liked, shared or commented on.

For example: I read a post of yours. I like it, then share it or comment on it. You have 1000 fans or followers or people in your circle on Google Plus that I have never touched on social business. They now see my name, my company or fan page. At first, this may not attract a lot of attention. But new people are seeing me. And as I continue to follow you, like and comment on more of your posts, more people will see me. They find I have a similar interest in things they like. They will then follow my name back, look at my profile and possibly add, invite or message me, giving me new opportunities.

What about sharing? Sharing can do even more -- especially if you're sharing a hot topic, something with great content, or even a big company post. Sharing helps them, and they will notice you and so will their followers. Some of the best results I have garnered on a post, has been a post I shared. Many of the people who already followed that person, company or page took the time to like my post as well.

On Facebook and LinkedIn, you can comment, like or share easily. Under the post you have read or opened you will see like, comment and share options. The easiest is liking. Just click it. Click on the share option and add your own comments, writing what you have to say. Remember people have the right to their opinions and are usually proud of their posts and may have put some work and thought into the post. If your comment is of disagreement, be sure it is courteous and well written. Explain your point with sympathetic understanding.

Twitter is different. Under a post you'll find a left-pointing arrow, used to reply to the post. You can also click on the two arrows in a circle to re-tweet the post, or use the star to make it a favorite. Clicking on the three dots will give you even more options.

On Google Plus you have a "+1" you can click as a like, an arrow pointing to a numeral 1 to save it, and a comment section.

If you have people liking your post and want more visibility, take the time to like their post in return. Of course, I am not suggesting you go like-, share- and comment-crazy. Anything overdone is not wise. But most people who take the time to like your post, would like occasional reciprocation. And you will get your name into their social media connection, thereby becoming more socially focused.

Want to learn more about being social focus and get more social media tips? Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus. You can also check us out at

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*Look for our upcoming blogs on more ways to be socially focused.*

Wayne Karlins, President, Reed Social Media Group