Marketing Departments


You may think, 'My Company has a marketing department; why do I need a social media group to handle my business?'

Marketing departments know how to target a customer population, they follow economic and buying trends. They're very technologically and analytically oriented. Their purpose is to get products sold and their focus is on sales and targeting. The information they receive often comes in the form of raw data, and they work with large groups of data collectors. Your company, let's imagine, produces vanity key fobs. Marketing will find groups to sell those fobs to. They will look to groups most likely to be interested in that product: motoring clubs, motorcycle clubs, dealerships and repair centers, and industries with large fleets of vehicles. Products need to move fast -- time is money, and there's no profit for you until a product is off your shelf.

Reed Social Media Group (RSMG) also wants to help you move your product, but not just on a mass-marketed basis. We want your company to be well-known not only for your products, but also for your company mission, attention to charities and people-friendly activities. Do you have a special interest in producing key fobs that can be used by senior citizens and the disabled to attract attention in case of accident or assault? Have you sponsored an event at which your specialty fobs were featured? Does your company participate in community activities? How will potential consumers, their families and supporters learn of it? Reed Social Media Group.

RSMG utilizes the best of the vast array of social networking pages that are available to-day -- Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Pinterest, to name a few. Social networking sites increase your visibility many times over. Information moves quickly, and the public responds with questions and concerns that can be absorbed more immediately than with a marketing survey. You can add a link enabling them to place orders with your company, contact you directly to arrange for your services or for customer service issues. Direct sales increase your revenue as well as your visibility!

To be on top of things requires time and attention. We have the time to keep you in the public eye -- it's our job. We have the expertise to design each social media page and keep your pages current; and you can expect your website ranking to move up in time so that when someone types 'key fobs' into Google, your company name appears high on the list.

Another advantage of social media marketing is that part of our time is spent in establishing networks of similar people. We may come across someone with whom it would be beneficial for you to connect. We facilitate that. So, using the key fob example, we are better able to help you reach out to all the social networking pages (seniors really do use them!), senior and disability centers, in-home care providers, ageing and/or disability organizations, other social service networks, places of worship -- the list goes on. Anything you post will appear on the pages of your entire network. Social media manages the details, and the benefit is the more efficient use of your time and money.

Does a marketing department have the time for that sort of swift communication? Do they have the networks established that would be best for their products and services? Reed Social Media Group has nothing but time -- it's what we do!

Want to learn more about being socially focused, and get more social media tips? Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus. You can also check us out at

Paul TN Chapman, Blog Manager, Reed Social Media Group