Has Content Marketing Become More Important to Social Media?
Written by Wayne R Karlins President of Reed Social Media Group
Content marketing can be the sharing of blogs, social media posting and or videos, that do not promote your brand or does not involve talking about yourself.
Content marketing should be about what your clients want and need. Ask yourself - How do I solve my clients and followers problems? How do I build a relationship with them and provide them value? How do I become their thought leader and trusted advisor through my content? You will then get their attention to what you are actually trying to sell them.
Today we are going to talk about blogging. We are asked regularly if blogging is worth it. Our answer is most definitely YES.
I am not here to teach you how to blog, but I do have some ideas on how to start blogging.
You must have some ideas on what type of blog you want and what your clients and followers want and need. Make sure you have enough material to continue blogging. Your timetables will all be different. Currently, we are blogging once a month. We have decided to blog more regularly and are hoping to add more than one blog a month very shortly. I know bloggers who make a living at blogging and blog every day. For most of Reed Social Media clients who own small to mid-size businesses monthly is a great place to start.
You may ask, where do I put my blogs? Our advice is to posted them to your own website. However, you need to know there are many other places you may be seen faster and are for bloggers, like WordPress, Blue Host, Blogger, Tumblr and more. We suggest you check each of them out and make your own decision.
What is great about posting your blog on your own website? You can post them to your social media platforms like LinkedIn, Google Plus and Facebook to get more visibility. When using your own website, you post a teaser and link them back to your website, which not only leads them to the whole blog but also increases your SEO as you are getting more visitors to your website. Of course you can post your blogs from any of the above mentioned blogging sites as well and still share them to your social media platforms, and we highly suggest that you do.
Do you want more views to your blogs? Add videos, pictures, graphs and other visuals. But wait! You say you cannot write blogs, that you do not write well at all?? Reed Social Media Group will write it for you under your name. This is called Ghost Blogging, and yes, many people around the world are already doing this because of how important blogging has become. Contact us if you could use our services and we will tell you how it works.
For you writers out there that could use an edit before making your blog public, contact us for our editing services.
When you are good at posting content to your social media platforms, eventually your followers are going to want to know what you think. You have become a trusted thought leader by posting and sharing great and consistent content. Blogging gives you the opportunity to post your thoughts so your clients and followers get to hear what you think and suggest. Your ideas, mixed in with your content will add value to your followers and help find new people who will like and follow your social media pages.
Check out our website to learn more about how we can help you manage your pages.
Other Services: Google AdWords, Ghost blogging, editing your blog's, writing content for your website so you keep your own SEO on the top. Creating or updating websites!
Do you have question or comments for me?
Either comment below or feel free to email me at info@reedsocialmedia.com for questions or advice on social media.
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