LinkedIn or Facebook?

Does this belong on LinkedIn?

Written by Wayne R Karlins President of Reed Social Media Group

I use LinkedIn almost every day. I believe LinkedIn is one of the best of all the social media platforms for my business and me. LinkedIn unlike many other social media platforms is a social media page for business content and advice, helpful strategies, great blogs and more.

LinkedIn has always been about business, whether you are looking for a new job, building your business, or building your power partners and connections. It has built its site around features for business like groups, specific skill sets and company pages.


LinkedIn has become so popular, that many people from other sites, like Facebook, have now started using LinkedIn. Because of this, a problem has surfaced. The new problem is, that people are posting nonbusiness-related posts that you would normally find on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. (Like pictures of your puppy in a Santa jacket)



This kind of posting: of kids, food, random math problems, and click-bait, belong on Facebook, not LinkedIn.


How to Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn should be utilized for creative content, things that are helpful to the community around you, tips of your trade, helpful lists and “how to” posts. In these comments, it is also good practice to incorporate things about your company, products and service.

I do recommend that if you post content on LinkedIn, that you keep it fresh. Rotate the subject so that your connections don’t get tired of the same old thing and shortly stop following you. A good mix of 60% content about subjects that relate back to what you do, and 40% content on topic that are trending or share something from one of your other followers.


Final Point

Keep your content fresh and post regularly. How often you post will depend on how much content you have, how fresh you can keep it and providing a good mix of content for those posting every day.  For some people and companies, posting two or three times a week would be the perfect amount. For other companies or persons, posting five days a week, or more, would be beneficial.

Stay “Socially Focused” and keep LinkedIn free of  Facebook type posts. My ask? Keep your LinkedIn posts fresh, thoughtful, and engaging. Do you have about using LinkedIn or how to pick the right platform? If yes, please direct message me at  or give your feedback below in the comment section of the blog.