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Thank You - We Couldn't Have Done It Without You

By Wayne R. Karlins, Reed Social Media President

January of 2019 Reed Social Media Groups will be in business 10 years. And it has been wonderful. I realized that as a company we have been quiet about our growth. So here is some of what has changed and grown in this 10 years. But first how it all began.


In 2009 our goal was to help small to midsize companies manage their social media on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. By manage, we meant fully managing the page, not just throwing up a post and seeing what stuck. We reacted to what happened to the post and checked up to 15 different parts of the page we were on. We emailed our clients when they needed to address a message or issue on their page and much more. By the end of 2009, the feedback from our clientele was so positive, that we decided to continue to reinvest in ourselves to grow and adapt to the ever changing environment that is social media.


A year later we added Twitter, Pinterest, and Google plus to the pages we managed. By the 3rd year, we started consulting and training on social media for companies that had the time to do it and wanted to handle their own social media. We even had the opportunity to train a company's social media departments on strategies and posting ideas. We began helping individuals by providing Social Media makeovers during new life events including job changes, graduating college, getting a promotion, etc.


Going into the 4th year, we added a marketing department to our company. The decision to add a marketing department was base solely on our customers needs and the ability to help them continue to grow. This department has helped customers to advertise in the best fitting print media for their industry, and have gotten our clients on to TV and radio at amazingly cost-effective pricing. With that in mind, we took it a step farther to help our customers stand out even more by providing ghost blogging, content creation and original content for their websites and newsletters.


Our fifth year we introduced our video department. We helped people with professional videos for their businesses. Once the project was complete we helped customers distribute the video on whatever platform worked best for them. We, also started to help build and redesign customer websites.

Our sixth year we added Instagram to the social media sites we manage. We began to help our client with their SEO and Google Ad-words working with our (certified Google partner).

Our 7th year we started to help our clients by watching and reacting to their Yelp and Google reviews. As with social media, many of our clients did not have the time to watch and react to their reviews. We took care of that for them.


Last year we added a full-service print department for all business needs. This included graphic design, business cards, mailers, envelopes and more.


This year we add yet another new service for our clients. On each social media platform, we will contact up to 14 people a month on our client’s social media site. We will either set up an appointment with them, present a survey our clients have put together, remind them of a function or event coming up, or just ask a series of question on our clients behalf.

As you can see, Reed Social Media Group, LLC is constantly growing, changing, and finding new ways to serve you, our clients and partners. We are so excited to continue growing with our clients and find new ways to help drive more business for each and every one of our customers. Thank you for 10 Years, and we look forward to the next 10!

Check us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest and follow or like us.

 Do you have questions or comments for me? Please leave them in the comment section by this blog or email me at

Check out our website to learn more about how we can help you manage your pages.


Other Services: Fully managing your Social Media Pages, Ghost blogging, editing your blog's, writing content for your Newsletters and for your website so you keep your own SEO on the top. Creating or updating websites, Logo Creation, Graphic Design, Marketing your business, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), printing and, helping you set up your advertising on Facebook and Google AdWords!


Feel free to email me at for questions or request a consult. Please leave us a message and a "like" on our website on this blog.


Follow Reed Social Media Group on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter, and Pinterest. Here is a new page on Facebook, check out Socially Focused Fan page and like it.


Anyone can do social media. Some of us do it right!


"We Keep You In The Conversation"™